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Upcoming Dates? Click here to learn about upcoming Protean Weekend dates and locations.

Want to stay connected? Click below to receive, occasional Protean bulletins with updates on how the project is evolving and information about new or upcoming Protean retreats.



How long is Protean?

Protean is a 3-day retreat.

We give the option (and recommend) that participants arrive Thursday night to sleep on-site and settle in. The workshop officially begins Friday at 9 am and runs through Sunday at 4 pm.

Protean Weekends also include ~2.5 hours of pre-work to prepare for the weekend and a 1.5-hour reunion zoom session ~4 weeks after the retreat.

How are applicants selected?

Each Protean weekend has 10-12 maximum participants. When oversubscribed, we put in effort to compose a group that we believe will provide the richest Protean learning experience for all who attend.

You are both white men. How do you support diverse participants?

We’re committed to disrupting and dismantling racism, in our lives and in our projects. In addition to that ongoing work, we further chose to support this value by donating 15% of our earnings from Protean Weekends to Black Lives Matter, Movement for Black Lives, and other organizations with a track record of effective social justice work.  

What if I can’t make the current dates?

Sign up here to receive updates about future Protean Weekends.

How much does Protean cost?

The price of a Protean Weekend is $1,400.

We are committed to making Protean available to people of all financial backgrounds. If the above price is not affordable for you, you should still apply. We have an option in our application to request financial aid in order to attend.

What is included in the cost?

Housing and food are included in the weekend price. Diet restrictions can be discussed post-application.

Where does Protean take place?

Protean takes place at bespoke retreat sites that are connected to NATURE. Disconnecting from technology and being in nature are important parts of the Protean experience.

Our first 5 retreat weekends were held within a 1.5-hr drive from San Francisco. We are trying new retreat sites as we go, and developing relationships with places and people.

In addition, we are actively exploring new locations outside of the Bay Area (and even outside the United States) that align with our vision and values.

What are your rules around COVID?

At this time, participants must be vaccinated to attend Protean. We also require everyone to take a rapid test within 36 hours before the beginning of the weekend and we will have rapid tests on hand throughout the weekend.

Additional Proteanic Projects

Below are select additional projects and conversations, hosted by Paul, Nathan, or other members of the Protean community which are connected to the values and vision of Protean. Enjoy.

Protean Yarns are short, open conversations with people doing creative and community-driven work that we see as connected to the work of Protean.

This Yarn is from July, 2022, with Brooke Deterline and Ken White and focuses on the value of play. You can see the full video description in Youtube by clicking here.

How to Give Co-Founder Feedback Using the Net Model (Part 1)

In this tutorial on giving feedback (part of Nathan’s “How to Run a Co-Founder Sync” series), Paul and Nathan demonstrate how to give effective feedback, by talking through a pinch that occurred earlier in their work together.

Becoming a Sage: A Conversation with Paul Loper

Click here to listen to Paul being interviewed by Jann Freed, author of BREADCRUMB LEGACY: How Great Leaders Live a Life Worth Remembering, discussing the power of connection, creating things, and sustainability.