“Protean is an experience I want everyone in my life to have. I hope all the people I’m close to have an experience like this and I hope strangers I don’t know have an experience like this. I think we’d live in a richer and deeper society if that was the case.”

-Dash, Protean Alum, August 2021

Asked to describe Protean, participants answered:

  • “Protean is an exploration of values, self-expression, and leadership through communication, and play.”

  • “Protean is an opportunity to become deeply clear on how you want to be.”

  • “Protean is a chance to reset.”

  • “Protean is a laboratory to explore verbal and non-verbal expression. An exploration in creating; wrapped in learning from others and self.”

Protean alums said they left the weekend with:

  • “I learned how to stay emotionally present while connecting with others, verbally and non-verbally, leading to a greater capacity for empathy, creativity, and impact.”

  • “I am coming out of my Protean weekend with a renewed sense of ease in myself, and how I want to be in the world.”

  • “I better understand my values, both the ones that are deeply rooted in me and those that I want to grow, through new behaviors.”

  • “I came away from the weekend with a renewed sense of clarity on who I am and where I want to go.”