Protean is built on the shoulders of incredible researchers, innovators, and human growth experts.

Two primary vehicles we use during the retreat are: T-Groups and Somatic Work.

What are T-Groups?

  • T-Groups are a facilitated, improvisational, group communication approach where you are able to take risks, explore connections, solicit feedback, and learn about how you show up within a group. 

  • When “t-grouping,” participants’ goals are about their own edges and stretching their capacities to form meaningful relationships.

  • The official task of the group is to engage with each other in primarily here-and-now ways and create a container of trust to encourage participants’ varying experiments towards growing interpersonal skills. 

Learn more by reading “What is a T-Group?” and watching “Inside Stanford’s ‘Touchy Feely’ Class.”

What is the benefit of somatic (body) work?

  • Our bodies act as both sources of inspiration that influence our thoughts, as well as the place where new ideas take hold. Given an opportunity, in a safe, self-inquiring container our bodies may want to move or act in ways we can never imagine. 

  • The wealth of information going on in our bodies can serve us individually, when we become more aware of it, especially towards aligning with our values and being present to the nuance of our own experience. 

  • Interpersonally the complexity of information between us and another is happening in ways that often direct outcomes in relationship, overriding conceptual and rational attempts to direct it.

  • Somatic exercises are a powerful tool for self-awareness, group awareness, and creativity—all of which are central to our mission.

Linked are a few select articles on “The Brain-Body Connection,” “The Joy of Being an Animal,” and “Why We Gather.”

Our Methods


Who are the Facilitators?