Who Proteans?

Protean is for anyone who wants to learn about themselves and their relationship to those around them.

This “learning” cycles around more awareness of “what is” and “who we are",” and then around stretching and exploring your creative edges. 

If you are thinking about our future and how you want to show up in the coming years (at work, in your community, or within some societal space just coming into focus) this retreat is for you.

A wide range of people with differing backgrounds

Each Protean weekend we strive to bring together a mix of individuals whose histories, talents, statuses, and gifts collectively enhance the creative pool and learning community during our rereat.

What this means is that, for example, women protean; young people who feel old protean; visionaries protean; Black, Hispanic, API, Native American, and white people protean; people who lead teams protean; people who are spiritual protean; people who are spirited protean—and all of those in between.


What is Protean?


Who are the Facilitators?